Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Guess who's back, back again, Resh is back, tell a friend.

Wwwwweellllll it's been along time since I've done this and I've been promising it a lot and haven't been delivering. I told Kit and Gallagher last night I would so I feel like if I don't then I would be nothing but a scruffy nerf herder, and who wants to be that.

I think last time I posted, like no videos or anything, a real post, I was talking about the move and my views on it. Well, after a few months, quite a bit has changed. I still love Michigan, a lot of people from there hate it, but I really love it, but I love South Carolina now as well. It's fucking beautiful. I'm right by the beach, it's in the 70s already, there is plenty of beautiful nature to gaze at while you drive, walk, run, or ride a bike. The Isle of Palms is probably one of my favorite spots here. you drive over the connector from the "main land", which isn't really the main land because technically I live on an island, for about 3-5 minutes driving over something of a marshy flat land that goes for miles on your left and right and going over the bridge there is a giant river that is always good for a few nice boats passing through and some houses that aren't bad to look at. You get to the Isle and it's a little bit reminiscent of a spring break city. It's got the essentials, banks, grocery stores, residential neighborhood and such, but then as you get close to the water, there are hotels, beach house(which are freaking unbelievable and I'd kill to own one some day) and plenty of bars, shops, and ice cream parlors.

I'm about 5-10 minutes from downtown Charleston, which is quite pretty itself. I'm the same distance from the ballpark to go watch the Charleston Riverdogs, the minor league team. Those games are a blast to go to, as well as the Charleston Batteries, their soccer club. It seems like everytime I decide to go for a drive I find a new local bar to go to and seems to be a Subway around every corner, love it. I also love my neighborhood, I'm in the back court of a one street residents and I enjoy all my neighbors, except for the rednecks down the street that drape a confederate flag from their garage and covered their "toys for tots" sled with confederate flags(literally covered) which I don't think anyone but them thought was necessary, but hey, it's the South(I mean, low country) so thems the breaks.

One thing I refuse to get used to is "soda", nobody down here but me says pop, it's always soda and it makes my skin crawl. I honestly had a lady look at my funny for a good 30-45 seconds trying to figure out what the hell a pop was, retards. Also, accents, I enjoy a small southern accent, but those thick accented tobacco spitting, nonshowering southerners are just as gross as they look on TV.

I just wish it was going to stay in the high 80s low 90s in the summer, not get into the high 90s low 100s like it is going to. But, oh well. I'll be back in Michigan around the 4th of July for my annual Up North trip with my friends, not sure how long I'll be in the GFA for visits, but I'll do my best. But it wouldn't hurt for you guys to get your asses down here for a visit, fuck!

I also promised Kit a Detroit Lions post after this, but I've run short on time. I promise though I will sometime this week, the positive is maybe I'll have more to talk about at the time.

Kal El


Jamie said...

Mate, glad you're back!

Two things though, Can you please change the colour of your font or background? Black on dark blue is a little hard to read.

Also, I think you stole that blog title from me.

Nice post, I wondered what it was like where you are...

Matt said...

Yeah, get some contrast. And I don't mean white text on black background.

Looking forward to Lions post. You might have noticed the Saints won a few games this season...