Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What really grinds my gears....Session 7.

You know what really grinds my gears? The word "chillaxin." It is a mix of "chillin" and relaxing. From what I understand, both words mean the same damn thing. When you are "chillin" you are just hanging out and RELAXED! You never see someone stressed out and have them say "hey man, I'm chillin" because they aren't "chillin" they are stressed, and what are you when you're not stressed? RELAXED!!! So for the love of the god that I don't believe in, ENOUGH! All of you that say chillaxin (Kit is one of them) are just as bad as those douche nozzles that say bra. "Hey bra, I'm just chillaxin." See? They go together quite nicely. Fucking annoying. Stop it, enough with the chillaxin, combining words really isn't that cool, you may think you're being clever, but you're just a douche bag and you make every one you talk to a little bit dumber every time you say that word, so for the sake of human intelligence in the future, stop. STOP! Next time I hear someone say it, they're going to get a knandwich. See I can combine words too, that is knuckle sandwich combined and shortened into one retarded ass douche baggy word that I hate myself for even making up just to make fun of you dickheads, but it had to be done for the greater good.

Kal El


Lisa said...

I can honestly say I've never before heard that word. I'm getting old obviously.

Kal El said...

not old, lucky.

Charles D. Leibrand said...

Dudes that would say "chillaxin" are obviously shit pummpers; lets just call them "shumpers".


Anonymous said...

jeez....somebody needs to chillax....

Jamie said...

I believe Bra has an h on the end, Brah.

See how much better that looks?