Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Gallagher took too long.

To be honest, if you have never played Halo, you won't give two squirts of piss about this post...but if you have, you'll LOVE it. But seeing as how no one to my knowledge besides myself, Gallagher, Kessel, and Kit play and Gallagher showed Kessel and myself tonight and probably will show Kit before he sees it on here, hopefully at least one non-Halo player will enjoy this for the simple fact that it is just funny. Yea, I admit for liking this and posting this I am a dork, but I am a cool kind of dork.

Kal El


Matt said...

I guess it pays to look up. I'm about two inches away from buying Halo.

Kit Bennett said...

you've made the right choice...join us....

James said...

That is pretty funny. My roommates are Halo feens and play it 24/7.