Monday, April 7, 2008

New name, new layout coming soon.

So I decided to change the name of my blog, not to the Cabin of Crap as Matt insisted, but to this. For the reason that I have been putting a lot of music up lately so I decided to title my blog more appropriately. For those of you who don't know what The Electric Ladyland is, you should be ashamed of yourself and look it up.

Also, since Electric Ladyland is deemed one of the greatest rock CDs of all time I decided to make my first official post on this title a tribute to the man, the myth, the legend, James Marshall Hendrix. Also, a tribute to America, I really think this should be the version of the Star Spangled Banner that we use.

Kal El


Kit Bennett said...

preferred the old name...

Kal El said...

Well I prefer Christopher, but we all call you Kit.

Charles D. Leibrand said...

Hendrix is cool, no doubt about it.