Sunday, February 17, 2008


This is 1 of my top 10 favorite Seinfeld moments and I have been trying for months to find this on YouTube. Unfortunately the sound is a little off from the picture, but it's the best I could find. I know a lot of you hate Seinfeld(I don't know how, it's the greatest) but this is still funny.

Kal El


Kit Bennett said...

ok I still don't get your love of this crap, I didn't even smile once watching it....and before you say it yes I do have a soul and do not eat babies...

Kal El said...

I'm not Barbie so I don't go with the no soul and eating babies insult. I will just accept that we have a different sense of humor that each other. Mine is funny, yours is not.

Kit Bennett said...

to quote barbie...."oh snap!"

and... so's your face! that is something we can agree on!

James said...

I love this show. Good pick. I love that his name is Bookman.

Kal El said...

See, James knows comedy. Plain and simple, the English just don't.